Правила оформления материалов
Author Guide
Уважаемые авторы журнала «Химия и технология органических веществ»!
Dear authors of "Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances" magazine!
Авторы гарантируют, что направляемая статья не публиковалась ранее этими или другими авторами под другим названием на русском или любом другом языке и что статья не находится на рассмотрении в любом другом издании.
Authors shall assume responsibility and guarantee that this manuscript has never been published before, that it is not under consideration for the purpose of being published by another outlet, as well as, in case this manuscript is accepted, it will not be published in the same form by another outlet in Russian or in any other language.
Материалы направляются в редакцию по адресу: 111024, Москва, шоссе Энтузиастов, д. 23, а их копии - по электронной почте: dir@gosniiokht.ru.
The materials for the journal are to be sent to the Editorial Board to: 23, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, Russia, 111024, and copies by e-mail: dir@gosniiokht.ru.
Материалы и документы, представляемые для публикации статей.
При направлении рукописи в журнал в редакцию представляются следующие материалы:
Materials and documents submitted for article publication.
The following materials must be presented to the Editorial Board:
- Сопроводительное письмо направление от организации с печатью организации.
- Отпечатанная на бумаге рукопись статьи, подписанная авторами на последней странице текста или после раздела «Библиография».
- Заключение организации, где выполнена работа, о возможности открытого опубликования статьи.
- Электронная версия статьи.
- Лицензионный договор и акт к лицензионному договору произведения в двух экземплярах (всех авторов статьи указывайте в одном документе).
- Cover letter – the organization’s referral with the stamp of the organization.
- The hard (paper) copy of the manuscript signed by the authors on the last page or after Bibliography.
- The conclusion of the organization, where the work have been done, about the possibility of an open publication of the article.
- Electronic copy of the article (format *.doc).
- The license agreement and the transfer/acceptance statement for the article in two copies (all authors of the article must be indicated in the same document).
Лицензионный договор подписывают все авторы статьи. Акт подписывает один автор, ответственный за статью. Дату и номер на документах проставляет редакция.
The license agreement must be signed by all authors of the article. The transfer/acceptance statement for the article must be signed by one author responsible for the article. The date and number on the documents are edited by the editorial staff.
Оформление статьи
Статья должна быть аккуратно оформлена и тщательно отредактирована в формате Microsoft Word и соответствовать следующим требованиям:Рекомендуемый средний объем статьи 20000 – 40000 печатных знаков с пробелами, включая таблицы, рисунки.
Формат – А4. Поля – 2 см со всех сторон. Шрифт – Times New Roman (при необходимости – другой, если шрифт не входит в список общепринятых, его нужно прислать отдельным файлом).
Размер шрифта основного текста – 14 пт, заголовка – 16 пт. Межстрочный интервал (интерлиньяж) – 1,5. Абзацный отступ – 1,25. Ориентация – книжная, без простановки страниц и переносов, без постраничных сносок.
Редактор формул – пакет Microsoft Office (MathType или Microsoft Equation).
Графики, таблицы и рисунки – не более 4-5 рис. в статье, столько же таблиц и графиков соответственно; иллюстрации – в форматах .tif или .bmр (в формате jpg нежелательно) с разрешением не ниже 300 dpi; размер изображения – не меньше 1500 точек (pixels) по его короткой стороне.
Preparing the manuscript
The recommended volume of the article is 20,000 - 40,000 printed characters with spaces, including tables and figures. The article must be printed on one side of white А4 paper with 2 cm margins on each side of the page. The text must be formatted in one column. The font size of the main text is 14 pt, the title is 16 pt. Capitalizing (using upper-case letters) the title or subheadings in the article is unacceptable. The line spacing (leading) is 1.5. Indentation - 1.25. Orientation - book, without inserting pages and hyphens, without footnotes. The formula editor is a Microsoft Office suite (MathType or Microsoft Equation). Graphs, tables and figures - no more than 4-5 pictures in the article, as many tables and graphs respectively; illustrations in .tif or .bmp formats (.jpg format is undesirable), resolution being not less than 300 dpi. The size of the image is not less than 1500 pixels on its short side.Структура статьи
Название статьи – по центру, без отступа, строчными буквами полужирным начертанием.
Фамилия, имя, отчество автора(ов), полное название представляемой организации (вуза), e-mail (курсивом) – по левому краю, строчными буквами.
Краткая аннотация статьи на русском и английском языке. Аннотация содержит характеристику основной темы, цели работы и ее результаты. В аннотации указывают, что нового несет в себе данная статья по сравнению с другими, родственными по тематике. Рекомендуемый средний объем аннотации от 100 до 500 печатных знаков. Информация, которая содержится в заголовке, не должна повторяться в аннотации. Аннотация не должна содержать ссылок и сокращений.
Ключевые слова и фразы на русском языке (не менее 5-7).
Текст статьи (выравнивание по ширине). Ссылки в тексте – по образцу: [1, с. 195], [3, с. 20; 7, с. 68], [4]. Список использованной литературы на русском языке (Библиография), оформленный согласно ГОСТ 7.0.5.– 2008, приводится в конце статьи в виде нумерованного списка. Транслитерированный список литературы (References), приводится на английском языке.
Отдельным файлом – Анкета автора (первая часть на русском, вторая - на английском языке), в которую входят: название статьи; полное название и адрес представляемой организации; e-mail; фамилия, имя, отчество автора(ов) со сведениями о должности, ученом звании или степени, контактные данные (телефон и адрес электронной почты). краткая аннотация статьи; ключевые слова (не менее 5-7), упоминание о возможном конфликте интересов.
Направление электронной копии в редакцию обязательно. Допустимые форматы: .doc, .rtf. Формат .docx не рекомендуется. Электронная копия может быть представлена на CD или DVDs или направлена по электронной почте e-mail: dir@gosniiokht.ru. Для передачи материалов рекомендуются архивы zip, rar. Самораспаковывающиеся архивы рассматриваться не будут.
Structure of the article
UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
The title of the article must be centered, formatted in lower-case letters and must not have a period in the end.
Authors and Organization authors belong to. Full name, postal address, fax number, telephone number and e-mail address for the organization must be specified. If several teams of authors are involved, authors’ affiliation with different organizations must be specified under the title of the article with relevant teams of authors alternating with relevant organizations.
Summary (in Russian and English languages) The structure of the abstract should if possible to repeat the article structure and contain an introduction, aims and objectives, results and discussion, conclusion/resume. In the annotation indicate what the new bears in this article in comparison with other related topics. The information contained in the title should not be repeated in the abstract. The abstract shall not contain references and abbreviations. The volume of the abstract should be between 100 to 500 words.
Key words and phrases in Russian and English languages (at least 5–7).
Main text of the article (alignment by width) The text of an original article should not exceed 15 pages,
reviews – 15–18 pages. An article should be thoroughly peer reviewed and checked by the authors. The material should be clearly presented, avoid long introduction and repetitions.
Avoid contracted words except standard ones. The spelled-out abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis should be used on first mention. In abbreviations capital letters are used.
Chemical formulas and doses are signed by the author on the margins. Formulas are preferably developed in specialized program or using equation editor such as “Equation”.
The data given in tables should not duplicate information already given in figures.
The articles with original investigations should have the following sections: “Introduction”;“Materials and Methods”; “Results and Discussion”; “Conclusion”.
Introduction. Provide a context or background for the study with pertinent references to most significant publications, and the necessity of carrying out researches is specified.
Aim of the Investigation contains 2–3 sentences. State the specific purpose or research objective of or hypothesis tested by the study.
Materials and Methods. The section contains detailed presentation of research methods and apparatus used in the study. The section should contain maximum information, it is necessary for
further possible reproduction of the findings by other authors, the comparison of the findings of similar studies and possible inclusion of the article data into meta-analysis.
At the end of the section in the subsection “Data Processing” state the manner by which studies were evaluated. If the study was randomized, the principle of randomization is
specified. Average values are given in the form of М ± m (М – arithmetic average, m – standard error of the mean). In the text of the article and tables, when indicating data
reliability, p value is given (р =..., not р <...). Correlation coefficients are given specifying their statistical significance.
Results and Discussion. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study, explore possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings, and if possible, compare and contrast the
results with those obtained by other researchers. Do not repeat in detail data or other information given in the Introduction or the Results section. Explore the implications of the findings for future research and for practice.
Conclusion. Represent as conclusions the results of problem solution indicated in the title and the objective of the article. Avoid claiming priority or alluding to work that has not been completed.
References in the text must be identified by Arabic numerals and cited according to the model: [1, p. 195], [3, p. 20; 7, p. 68], [4].
Illustrations (Figures) should be clear and photographs – sharp. In legends for photomicrographs magnification rate is specified. Type or print out legends for illustrations on a separate page indicating the author’s surname and the title of the article. Identify and explain each curve, letter, number and other symbols clearly in the legend.
If a figure has been published previously acknowledge the original source.
Faces on photographs should not be recognizable; otherwise the author should submit written permission to use the photographs.
Tables capture information concisely and display it efficiently. Tables should be numbered consecutively. Supply a brief title for each table. The titles should be in accordance with the content of the
columns. Authors should place explanatory matter in footnotes. Explain all abbreviations in footnotes.
Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean.
Units and dimensions of quantity in the text should be reported using International System of Units (SI). CGS units may only be used in exceptional, expressly stated circumstances. In references to authentic articles from foreign publications it is recommended to add SI units in brackets to English units.
Legend (if any)
The list of variables and constants used may be included in Legend (after the main text of the article before Bibliography).
Bibliography (list of references) is mandatory for the article to be published
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, not in alphabetic order. Bibliographic information should be up-to-date, authoritative and comprehensive. References should cite only primary sources. Avoid citation (as often happens) of one review the references were mentioned in.
The complete list of references must be formatted as follows:
for books: authors’ surnames and initials, title of the book, place of publication, publishing house, year (for conference works – city/town, country, year), amount of pages.
for articles from journals and collections: authors’ surnames and initials, title of the article, title of the magazine, year, volume, issue number, pages.
for patent documents: document type (copyright certificate or patent), number, issuing country, international classification, patent title (а. с.), authors, title of the outlet that published the document, number and year of publication.
References (it is mandatory)
In addition to the bibliography in Russia bibliography in English should be presented, in which Russian references are in Roman characters.
Appendix to the article (in Russian and English languages) – separate file. Appendix includes: article title; full name and address of the organization being represented; e-mail; surname, name, patronymic of the author (s) with information about the post, academic title or degree, authors main positions and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address); for the author all correspondence should be addressed to must be marked by an asterisk with the note containing full contact info; abstract of the article; keywords; notification of possible conflict of interests.
Submission of an electronic copy of the article is mandatory for the article to be published. Acceptable file formats: .doc, .rtf. Format .docx is not recommended. An electronic copy must be submitted on CDs or DVDs or by e-mail to dir@gosniiokht.ru. It is recommended to use standard file compression software (zip, rar) for transmission of materials. One must not use self-extracting archives because they will be deleted.
Контакты издательского подразделения ФГУП «ГосНИИОХТ»
e-mail: dir@gosniiokht.ruтел.: 8 (495) 673-78-91
Контактное лицо: Глухан Елена Николаевна
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111024, Москва, шоссе Энтузиастов, д. 23, ФГУП «ГосНИИОХТ» Редакция журнала «Химия и технология органических веществ».
Текст правил в формате .docx — скачать.
We would also appreciate it if you could send us any propositions and remarks concerning the content and layout of our magazine. Please, send your propositions to the Editorial Board to:
e-mail: dir@gosniiokht.ruphone: 8 (495) 673-78-91
Address: 23, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, Russia, 111024.
All mail should be sent by ordinary (simple) or by registered mail. Sendings with declared value or with notification are NOT ACCEPTED. The text of the rules in Russian .docx format is download.